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Documentation Technique Atari 8bit


File execution
Execution (running) of the Atari DOS Binary file (Executable File)

1. Initialization of the executable Atari Binary DOS file:

$02E2-$02E3 Atari addresses correspond to the INITADD Atari vector, it is used as the entry point for running the initialization code of the executable file.

If the memory $02E2-$02E3 is loaded, then the loading file utility program runs the JSR($02E2) instruction, equivalent to JSR(INITADD). For exemple if $02E2-$02E3 are loaded with the bytes $10 $30, then the JSR $3010 instruction is started. Then the initialization code program of the executable file is running. It must end with the RTS instruction.


2. Running the executable Atari Binary DOS file:

$02E0-$02E1 Atari addresses correspond to the RUNADD Atari vector, and it is used as the entry point for running of the executable file code program.

If the memory $02E0-$02E1 is loaded, then the loading file utility program runs the instruction JMP($02E0), equivalent to JMP(RUNADD). For exemple if $02E0-$02E1 addresses are loaded with the bytes $C0 $4A, then the JMP $4AC0 instruction is started. The code program of the executable file is running. The loading file utility program in memory is no more needed and may be then cancelled and clear.


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